BlueLine Club

With the Project Preview package, the full scope of the bid opportunity is made available for review.  The presented content will enable the customer to view the details of the project.

The BlueLine Club Membership will include:

Interactive Drawing Viewer – gain the ability to select any drawing to review the detail.  Enlarge the drawing to full screen and zoom/pan on the detail that you are looking for.

Addendums – all project addendums will be included on every Project Page as they are released and.  Gain access to view and even download these documents.

Plan Holders List – Bidding can be competitive.  With the plan holders list you will gain the advantage of knowing others that have shown interest in the project out for bid.

Project Contacts – Quick and simple access to contact information of the bid opportunity giving you a direct means for answers to your technical or detailed questions.

Download – All members have the capability to download all project documentation:  Plans, Addendums and Specs.


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