File Upload

Contact Information

Enter your contact information. This information will be used by our operators to contact you when the project has been completed, or in the event there is a question about your order. Your name, telephone, and email are required fields.

Billing Information

Enter any identifying details you would like to appear on the invoice as indicated by your internal accounting policies. Optionally, select a reason for printing. These fields are not required yet your organization may require us to gather this information prior to production.

Production Request Instructions

In this section, you will outlay the instructions to our production team. The first three fields are required and will give us an overview of the job. In many cases, this will be sufficient; however, utilize the notes field for more detailed instructions.

Upon Completion

Once the job is complete, our team will perform accordingly to your instructions for delivery, pick-up, or other distribution guidelines.

File Attachments

Select below the option to Drag & Drop your files or click on the "Add Files" option. If you upload over 10 files, please ZIP them and upload your single ZIP File. Note: You can send multiple files, e.g., PDF, JPG, GIF and PNG files with your submission.

File Upload Suggestions

  • It is highly recommended to ZIP multiple files into one package to ensure all files arrive together and speed up production times through improved organization.
  • File upload speeds will be affected by file size and your connection to the internet.
  • This utility will accept large files; however, if your file size is considerable (over 400MB), then you may want to zip the file or call us for alternate options.

Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.

Clicking on "Start Upload" button will upload all files at once. Make sure all files are added before starting upload and files have finished uploading before clicking "Submit Print Request". Wait for the processing to reach 100%. When you see the check mark in a green circle, this means your upload of files was successful.

Submit Print Request

Once you have entered your information and attached your files, click SUBMIT PRINT REQUEST. Our operators will be notified of the incoming work and proceed accordingly. Most orders will be fulfilled the same day of submission. Larger orders may require additional time. If you have a rush job or unique situation, it is best to call SDI customer service about production scheduling. SDI Customer Service: 402-592-1292